
As with all good Hindi movies, this is turning out to be a lot longer than I expected…

It seems like this is a good time for an intermission.  After this point the tone of our travels changed significantly, and the tone of my writings likely will reflect that.

Here I will answer a few frequently asked questions, some of the things that I know you are wondering about:

1. Probably my favorite thing about India is that I can strike up a conversation with almost anyone, about almost anything, for no good reason but the fun of it.  And even if we do not speak the same language, people make a great effort to communicate and make themselves understood, or at least tell a joke.

2. Yes, it is true that most Indians do not use flush toilets or toilet paper.  It is a little worrisome for westerners at first, but once you get used to it the Indian style is actually much better.  Here is a funny video about it.

3. And yes, many people in India practice yoga, but no, yoga does not actually have anything to do with aerobics or a hot body.

4. I got a stomach bug of some kind at least 7 times during my 3 months of travel.

5. This story is going somewhere good, I promise – it just might take me a little while to get there.  In India nothing moves fast.

NEXT POST: one million man army

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